
Entrepreneurship on the Internet


Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. The American Marketing Association has defined marketing as "the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large."

The course of study The analysis and management in business has been created for ambitious individuals interested in gaining knowledge about market analysis, financial and competitive analysis, how to build effective business models, and creating value and interested in working as independent analysts in the future. Businesses. Classes are held using modern didactic methods, including computer simulations and conversations. Want to know more?

TField of study Marketing includes knowledge related to active trade. Marketing deals with, in general terms, consumer needs from different angles. Over the years and technological development, a whole host of new marketing methods have emerged. Marketers have an understanding of the mechanisms of market functioning but primarily interpret the needs and sources of customer satisfaction. This is a very good introduction to starting post-graduate studies in specialist positions where brand awareness issues, PR, are managed.

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Finance and Management in Health Care

The aim of the study is to prepare the managerial staff to work effectively so that in a modern, creative and independent way they can manage health care units in a market economy environment. Student Finance and Healthcare Management will gain financial and management knowledge of the essence, regularity and problems of functioning of public enterprises and institutions, taking into account the specificities of the health sector. To find out more about Finance and Management in Health Care, read on!

Economy and public administration teaches the combination of economic and managerial knowledge with sociological and political aspects. The graduate is prepared to work in local government and government administration as well as work or collaborate with non-governmental organizations and the public and private sectors. What issues are presented and discussed in lectures, exercises and conversations? Keep in mind that the curriculum content concerns a variety of issues, so the student should demonstrate extensive knowledge and interest.


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